Sunday, February 5, 2017

DIY No-Sew Tank Top From Old T-Shirt

Raise your hand if you are a T-shirt hoarder!  
No? Just me?
Well, good for you. Because no one really needs 6 white t-shirts, 5 black ones and a hundred in different shades  of grey. Especially when you only really wear two of them on repeat. But here they are - piling up in my drawers. And I hate when things go to waste, so I refuse to part with them. 
One day while wasting time casually browsing Pinterest I stumbled upon a great tutorial on how to upcycle your old T-shirts and turn them into cool gym tank tops.
I love me a good DIY project, so I took out the scissors and dived in. 

What you need:
Old T-Shirt
Scissors (sharp!)

And here is the step-by-step:
1. I took an old T-shirt, that I love the material of, but sadly the printed text it has on the front was starting to peel off.

2. Lay out the shirt flat on service and try to smooth out the wrinkles as much as you can, otherwise when you start cutting you will get wonky lines and it is not going to look very neat
3. Mark your lines with the chalk - no need to be precise here, just so that you roughly know where you need to cut. (I used a light blue chalk and it hardly showed up on camera, so I drew some white lines over later to illustrate better)
(I wanted to take out the text on my T-Shirt completely, so I simply made a bigger cutout there. You will see what it looks like in the 'after' picture)

4. Cut along the marked lines and try to keep smooth straight lines, so that the fabric doesn’t start fraying. 
5. When you are done - tug and stretch all the cuts you just did so that the fabric edges roll inside.

6. Wear it! 

Here I am rocking my designer piece. Excuse the awkward angle - taking your own photo from the back is not an easy feat!

And if are into DIY projects like me you might enjoy this: 

Have a great Sunday!

February 05, 2017 / by / 1 Comments

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by! You have a gorgeous blog by the way! Loved browsing through some of your posts. :)


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