Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tips on Self-Love: 20 Ways to Be Good To Yourself

It is not your job to like me, it is mine”
Hearts, chocolates, teddy bears and candlelit dinners. February is typically linked to Valentines Day. It is the month of romantic love, celebrating the feelings and connection you have to your significant other and although that is a beautiful way to celebrate a relationship, I feel like a lot of us tend to forget something else that is equally (if not more!) important - and that is the relationship we have with ourselves.

Think about it. Who is always there for you - through all your happy and sad moments, triumphs and fails? And who is going to spend the rest of their life with you? Literally.
You are your own “ride and die”, your own “forever”. Your own “bae”. So why is it then that we often have more love for others than ourselves? 

Practicing self-love is not about being narcissistic, self-centred or self-indulgent. It is about taking care of ourselves (mind, body and soul).

Self-love is:

1. Finding time for yourself to do things that make your soul sing - hobbies, travelling, curling up with a book or going for a nice walk.
2. Not tolerating disrespect, even coming from yourself.
3. Taking yourself out of stressful situations.
4. Asking for help when you feel you really need it and not worrying whether you will “inconvenience” others.
5. Buying yourself a bouquet of flowers.
6. Saying “no” to certain people and situations and giving up trying to please everybody.
7. Treating yourself to something small - like that scarf you like, or something big - a weekend getaway just for you.
8. Shutting the world down and enjoying your own company every once in a while.
9. Writing little love notes to yourself and leaving them around your home.
10. Getting enough sleep.
11. Not settling for anything less than you deserve. Ever.
12. Forgiving yourself.
13. Not critiquing yourself all the time.
14. Knowing your limits and not pushing yourself too hard.
15. Honouring your feelings.
16. Not caring what others think of you. Most of the time they don’t really think of others but themselves anyway.
17. Laughing! A lot!
18. Eating that piece of cake and not guilt-tripping yourself about it.
19. Not comparing yourself with others. The only competition you should be in is with yourself. 
20. Embracing who you are and celebrating it. 

Hope you have a beautiful Valentines’, regardless whether you are single or have a partner. In any case - don’t forget to fall in love with yourself.

Every day.

February 07, 2017 / by / 0 Comments

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